Compare Visual Assist to Microsoft Visual Studio

Improve every Microsoft IDE you have with the multitude of features that comprise Visual Assist. Most features in Visual Assist are additions to Microsoft Visual Studio 2019, 2017 and 2015; and all features are improvements or additions to all IDEs.


Added or improved with Visual Assist

Any version supported





Any Version* with Visual Assist

Visual Assist Implementation


Find by Context

-- -- --

Find References

searches faster; clones results

Find Symbol in Solution


supports feature in large solutions

GoTo Implementation from symbol

jumps from files outside projects

GoTo Implementation from #include

-- --

opens a header

GoTo Implementation from comment

-- -- --

jumps from symbols mentioned in comments

GoTo Member

-- -- --

displays members relative to the current symbol, not all members in a solution

GoTo Related

-- -- --

goes to base methods, base classes, derived classes

Highlight Current Line

avoids obscuring code with thin frame

List Methods in File

-- -- --

Move Scope

-- -- --

moves to next method in file

Navigate Back and Forward

ignores superfluous waypoints

Open Corresponding File

switches to files outside project; switches from more places

Open File in Solution


searches using filters, negative filters, logical-or matching, or path


Change Signature


changes implementation and call sites

Convert Between Pointer and Instance

-- -- --

Encapsulate Field

-- -- --

Extract Method

makes available in older IDEs

Introduce Variable

-- -- --

Move Implementation to Header File


Move Implementation to Source File


Move Method Implementations to Source File

-- -- --

moves in bulk

Move Selection to New File

-- -- --

auto-includes headers


renames faster; swaps type

Rename Files

-- -- --

updates project files

Code Generation

Add Forward Declaration

-- -- --

Add Member

-- -- --

Add Missing Case Statements

-- -- --

Add Similar Member

-- -- --

Add Using Directive

makes available in older IDEs

Add #include

-- --

Add/Remove Braces

-- -- --

Create Declaration

creates from an implementation

Create File

-- -- --

updates project files also

Create from Usage

-- -- --

Create Implementation

creates from a declaration

Create Method Implementations

-- -- --

creates in bulk

Document Method

-- -- --

Implement Interface / Virtual Methods

-- -- --

implements in bulk

Coding Assistance


-- -- --

allows typing of “gmv” in lieu of “getMyVar”

Auto-Extend Multi-Line Comments

-- -- --

Enhanced Listboxes

colors; lists non-inherited first; displays locals in bold

Format After Paste

-- -- --

Insert () and Closing } ) ] ' "

makes available in older IDEs

Insert _ After m and Shift

-- -- --

Multiple Clipboards

makes available in a drop-down, not clipboard ring

Reset Editor Zoom

-- -- --


-- -- --

allows typing of “getvar” in lieu of “getMyVar”

Smart Select

-- -- --

extends and shrinks selections by logical increments

Smart Suggestions

-- -- --

accepts completion based on context

Sort Selected Lines

-- -- --

Suggestion Lists

-- -- --

accepts completion as you type

Surround Selection

-- -- --

wraps code with //, /*, (, {

Surround With

-- -- --

wraps code with custom text, e.g. #ifdef DEBUG

Code Understanding

Column Indicator

-- -- --

Enhanced Syntax Coloring

colors classes, variables, macros, methods

Local Symbols in Bold

-- -- --

Highlight Find Results

retains highlights when editing

Highlight Matching Words

-- -- --

highlights in comments and strings

Highlight References to Symbol Under Cursor

differentiates read from write references

Parameter Info

improves accuracy and frquency

Print in Color

-- -- --

Quick Info

gets info also for constructs

System Symbols in Italics

-- -- --

accentuates 3rd-party references not overridden

Code Correction

Convert Dot to ->


Highlight Files in Output Window

-- -- --

accentuates warnings and errors for the current project

Highlight Matching {} and ()

highlights when in scope, not only when on a token

Highlight Mismatching {} and ()

highlights using color, not squiggle

Repair Case

-- -- --

allows typing of “getmyvar” in lieu of “getMyVar”

Underline Spelling Errors

-- -- --

checks comments and strings

Underline Unknown Symbols

makes available in older IDEs

Code Inspection

Code Inspection

checks code quality during edit, which is also the case for 2019 without Visual Assist

Quick Fixes


makes fixes available during edit, which is also the case for 2019 without Visual Assist

Code Snippets

VA Snippets

expands functionality; includes custom editor

Debug Assistance

Address Resolver

-- -- --

deciphers text-only call stacks

Bind Breakpoints to Current Thread

-- -- --

automatically continues background threads

PDB Explorer

-- -- --

finds symbols in EXEs and DLLs

Skip All Breakpoints

-- -- --

skips breakpoints without disabling them

VA Memory View

-- -- --

debugs crash dumps containing corrupted call stacks

VA Step Filter

-- -- --

automatically steps over trusted methods in argument lists

Tool Windows

VA Hashtags

-- -- --

defines bookmarks and tasks, e.g. #TODO, #BUG

VA Outline

-- -- --

allows drag-and-drop to reorder current file

VA View

-- -- --

allows access to popular tools in one window

Source Links

Source Links

-- -- --

connects comments to external applications such as FogBugz, Github, and Jira

Open Hyperlinks in External Browser


opens commented URLs in default browser