What's New in Visual Assist
Great stuff happens all the time. Check out what we've released recently in our steady stream of new features, support for IDE revisions, and important bug fixes.
Feature Navigation
Move about your code with newfound ease—to any file, method, symbol, or reference in your projects and solutions. Get anywhere from anywhere. The navigation features of Visual Assist, like the other types of features, are entirely new to the IDE, improve built-in functionality, or in a few instances, apply only to older IDEs.
Feature Refactoring
Reduce the complexity of your code, improve its readability, and make it extensible without changing external behavior. C++, C, C# tool. Free trial.
Feature Code Inspection
Inspect your code for specific quality issues as you edit with this Whole Tomato feature. Style violations, interface misuse, bugs, and more. Learn more.
Contact our sales team with inquires about new licenses.
Every license of Visual Assist and timely renewal of software maintenance includes a year of technical support. If your software maintenance is current, or you are in trial mode, contact us via email or community forums to obtain technical support, report a bug, or request a feature.