We’re really making an effort to keep blogs more instructional or industry related, but man o’ man is this release worth a few lines. Our team has been working behind the scenes for much of the year on performance improvements. And sure, we could’ve just done a few things here and there over time to make it feel like we were consistently improving (which we are), but with this release we decided we were ready to go all out.
Essentially we parse all of your source code and store that information in a database. Of course the larger your code base, the larger the database. And this can bottleneck you pretty bad in Visual Studio. So we’ve moved a portion of the database out of process decreasing the available memory we consume inside of Visual Studio and increasing the available memory. Yes, this is an over simplification of what we’ve done and doesn’t do justice to our developers, but download the latest, give it a whirl and let us know what you think.
Of course we didn’t stop there. We’ve updated our code inspection tool, LLVM/Clang, to the latest and greatest. We also added Code Inspection for performance-inefficient-algorithm clang checker. And we added more suggestions for UE4 macros. You can check out our full release notes here and be sure to download. Remember, maintenance must be current as of 2020.10.28.
Whether you’ve been using Visual Assist for a while or you’re brand new, you’re going to notice a difference with this build. Happy Coding!