Webinar Recap

Test Driven-Development and UI/UX Design: A Practical Guide [Webinar Recap]

Don’t you wish your code came with an undo button for every mistake? So do all developers who accidentally pushed a bug into production! But we got the next best thing: Unit testing. This webinar will show you how to stop breaking your codebase (and your spirit) by writing tests that catch errors before they escape into the wild. Perfect for developers who know they should test but don’t know…
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Tips and TricksWebinar Recap

Summer Codefest: Lambdas go Baa! [Recap]

Webinar overview:  This presentation by product manager, David Millington, talks about the convenient way to define an anonymous function object added in C++11. This topic was chosen because while it’s extremely useful, the data we see is that there tend to be two groups of C++ developers: those who use them extensively, and those who barely use them. When to use lambdas: The main benefits…
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Tips and TricksWebinar Recap

Summer CodeFest: Next-Level Concurrency: Enhancing Scalability with C++20 [Recap]

This session has concluded watch the replay or download the slides below. The first Summer CodeFest presentation has concluded! Whole Tomato’s very own lead developer Chris Gardner lead the first session on enhancing your program’s scalability with concurrency techniques in C++! We’ve prepared a short introductory article about concurrency and a short history on C++ support for threads…
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Tips and TricksWebinar Recap

Setting up cloud-hosted Perforce source control for Unreal Engine [Webinar Recap]

It’s no secret that game development projects have a tendency to get messy even working alone. So imagine trying to manage game assets among a team of developers! Luckily, there are certain techniques and technology that developers can utilize to make it a bit easier. Learn more about how cloud-hosted Perforce is something you should be capitalizing on for collaborative Unreal game development…
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