
License and maintenance options get an update

We’ve updated our license and maintenance options for Visual Assist, and we want to take this opportunity to explain what remains the same, what’s changed, and what it means for you. Our standard license of Visual Assist now better serves the needs of our corporate customers. The terms of the license agreement now grant ownership to the purchasing entity, not the individual…
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Tips and Tricks

Filtering results of Find References

We regularly hear from C/C++ and C# users that Find References is their most-used feature of Visual Assist. Despite the existence of a similarly named feature in Visual Studio, the functionality and speed provided by our version appears to be a game changer. And Find…
Build Announcements

Visual Assist build 2036 is available

After living for two months with a beta version of Visual Assist on our website, we are happy to reach another general release. Visual Assist build 2036 has two significant improvements that make this a must-have, must-use, build. First, build 2036 introduces a new command—Goto Related—that lets you jump to locations related to your current symbol. Goto Related is part class browser, part…
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Tips and Tricks

Scope of Refactoring in Multi-Project Solutions

There is a subtle connection among the Find References, Rename, and Change Signature commands of Visual Assist, and if you didn’t perceive the connection, you might believe something was awry—with your memory. The three commands—Find References, Rename, and Change Signature—share a setting to display references from, or refactor in, the current project or all projects. The shared…
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Tips and Tricks

Sorting One's Code

Visual Assist has a plethora of features, and it’s difficult to know them all. It’s an even greater challenge to use all of them at every opportunity. We had one user, Tom, write recently that his “very small favourite feature” in Visual Assist is…
Build Announcements

Visual Assist build 2031 is available

Greetings from San Francisco! Thank you to all of the customers who stopped by our booth at the Build conference. It’s clear we have ardent supporters. We look forward to providing you with the debugger improvement we demo’d. Expect a beta in a few months. To the…
Build Announcements

Visual Assist build 2029 is available

We hope you have check-for-new-versions enabled in the options dialog of Visual Assist, because you wouldn’t have learned about last month’s build of Visual Assist in our blog. We shamefully failed to announce build 2029. Social media isn’t yet part of our build process. Visual Assist build 2029 requires software maintenance through 2014.02.24, and includes our usual mix of…
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