Tips and Tricks

Why It's Necessary to Invest in Visual Studio Extensions

Extensions are tools meant to make a developer’s life easier. But as with any tool, choosing the best one to invest in requires a bit of probing. If you’re in the market for your or your team’s SaaS fix, you’re in luck. This article will make your research a bit easier. In this blog, we discuss the value of one of the most powerful productivity extensions in Visual Studio and why…
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Tips and Tricks

Do I Need To Know C++ For Unreal Engine?

C++ is a powerful programming language that can be used to program the mechanics and inner workings of video games and applications using the Unreal Engine. A program created using C++ for Unreal Engine will typically be much more complex and detailed than using other…
Tips and Tricks

Recap: Improving your game development experience (with VAX lead dev)

Whole Tomato recently held a webinar for Visual Assist, and it’s about game development! If you’re thinking of doing this as a hobby or as a potential career path, this may serve as a great introduction. In the presentation, VAX lead developer, Chris Gardner, takes you through the steps of coding a modified powerup into a shooter game using Visual Studio and the Unreal…
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Tips and Tricks

Tips for Aspiring Game Developers

Have you ever considered becoming a game developer but never knew where or how to start? In this blog, we’ll talk about a few things you might want to know before you get started in the video game industry.  The video game industry— by the…
Tips and Tricks

Getting Started with UE4 and Visual Assist

Whether you’re new to Visual Assist and UE4 or a seasoned vet, we thought you might appreciate a little more insight into what you can expect and how to get started. Thanks to our resident UE4 wizards for putting this together. 1. Install Visual Assist Exit all instances of Visual Studio. Run the .exe installer you downloaded. Select the IDE(s) you want to install…
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