Tips and Tricks

Installing Unreal Engine 4/5 + Visual Studio: A complete step-by-step guide with pictures

Unreal Engine 5 has been out for a while now and along with it came exciting improvements and new features for users to enjoy. If you’re an aspiring game developer who is looking to dive into the world of Unreal Engine development without any background, chances are you’re wondering—”where do I even start?” Read on further to see how to download, set up, and install both Visual Studio…
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Build Announcements

Visual Assist 2022.3 now available

Visual Assist 2022.3 is out and brings some exciting news for those working with graphics shaders! It also adds a pair of code inspection checks, as well as a new navigation option for Open File in Solution. Visual Assist HLSL support High-level shader language (HLSL), while…
Tips and Tricks

What Is Visual Studio For Unreal Engine, And Why Does It Matter?

In this article, we will look at what Unreal Engine is, how to set up Visual Studio for Unreal Engine, and how to get started with Visual Studio Unreal Engine. You will also learn the main benefits of using Visual Studio to develop Unreal projects. What are the benefits of using Visual Studio for software development? Visual Studio is an integrated software development environment that allows you…
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Tips and Tricks

Do I Need To Know C++ For Unreal Engine?

C++ is a powerful programming language that can be used to program the mechanics and inner workings of video games and applications using the Unreal Engine. A program created using C++ for Unreal Engine will typically be much more complex and detailed than using other…
Tips and Tricks

The Most Innovative Things Happening With Visual Studio Unreal Engine

Unreal Engine is designed to integrate with Visual Studio smoothly. When linked, it enables developers to make code changes to projects quickly and easily. Visual Studio’s support for Unreal Engine also helps improve efficiency and overall performance.  Although Visual Studio is the most extensible IDE on the planet, it cannot cater to all development needs. Game development is one such…
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Tips and Tricks

GDC You Next Year!

For those of you that have been longtime GDC attendees, speakers, or lowly exhibitors, this year may have taken you back to years past. Smaller crowd (the line would tell you otherwise), More intimate sessions, and cool swag! If you didn’t make it out, be sure to check…
Tips and Tricks

Tips for Aspiring Game Developers

Have you ever considered becoming a game developer but never knew where or how to start? In this blog, we’ll talk about a few things you might want to know before you get started in the video game industry.  The video game industry— by the…
NewsTips and Tricks

Unreal Engine ‘Quality Of Life’ in Visual Assist 2021.2

The first two releases of Visual Assist this year contain some great Unreal Engine quality-of-life improvements you may want to take advantage of. While we’ve always announced features in our changelog and release blogs, we’re starting to blog in greater detail about some of what we change — our December blog about reducing memory usage started this — and this time we’ll dig a bit…
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