Support for Unreal Engine
Visual Assist only supports Unreal Engine 4 and later.
Visual Assist includes features specific to development with Unreal Engine (UE), including support for UE keywords, preprocessor macros, and solution setup.
Enable support for UE in the Game Development option of Visual Assist.

Enabling support changes only the UI of Visual Assist. It does not affect the set of known symbols in a solution. As with non-UE solutions, known symbols are determined by #include directives and project include paths.
The first time you open a UE solution, whether or not support in the UI is enabled, Visual Assist parses a multitude of UE4 engine headers. After that, the symbols are available to all solutions that include them. If you cease all development with UE4, rebuild your symbol database to reclaim disk space and discard knowledge of all UE symbols.
When you select support for UE, you can choose the Always option to enable functionalities for all your projects, or Detect automatically allowing Visual Assist to detect them when you are working on a UE project.
There are different options to parse and index folders containing internal engine plugins from UE:
- To not parse and index folders with UE plugins select the None option, this option significantly improves the parse time.
- Parse and index folders containing UE plugins that are referenced in the project files or are enabled by default with the Referenced option, this option is selected by default and improves parse time.
- Select All to include in the parse and index process folders containing UE internal engine plugins, even plugins your project does not use, this option slows down the parse time.
Parse and index folders containing UE generated header or source files by checking the Index generated code option. Otherwise, they will be skipped, improving parse time. By default, this option is unchecked.
The auto-format feature applies changes on pasted code if it contains one of the following UE macro definitions: UCLASS, USTRUCT, UPROPERTY, UFUNCTION, UENUM, UDELEGATE, GENERATED_UCLASS_BODY, GENERATED_USTRUCT_BODY, GENERATED_UINTERFACE_BODY, or GENERATED_IINTERFACE_BODY. By default, the Disable indent and format on pasted code option is checked. Otherwise, the auto-format feature will not apply changes to the pasted code.
Enable support for shader files such as .USF, .USH, .HLSL, and apply advanced syntax coloring and navigation features.
Also, Enable support for CUDA files such as .CU and .CUH, and apply advanced syntax coloring and navigation features.