Pairs or n-tuples of files within a project often correspond, or relate, to one another. For example, in C++, foo.h corresponds to foo.cpp. In a Windows Forms project, a design file Form1.Designer.cs might correspond to main code in Form1.cs. In an ASP.NET project, Page1.aspx might correspond to code-behind in Page1.cs.
Visual Assist simplifies switching between corresponding files.
Visual Assist versus Visual Studio
Open Corresponding File is available from more locations than the analogous feature in Visual Studio, and the Visual Assist implementation finds and open files that are outside the current project.
Access Open Corresponding File with the default shortcut (Alt+O), via a different shortcut for VAssistX.OpenCorrespondingFile, or via toolbar button.

If Visual Assist finds only one file that corresponds to the current file, the corresponding file opens immediately. If Visual Assist finds multiple corresponding files, a menu appears. Select from the menu via accelerator, Enter, or Tab.

Search for Corresponding Files
Visual Assist first examines the directory of the file you are editing for a corresponding file. If none is found, Visual Assist searches your project, .., ./inc, and ./include.
If the type of the current file cannot be deduced, hence a corresponding file cannot either, Visual Assist searches for another file with similar prefix. For example, Alt+O in might open
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