在Visual Studio C++中更快更轻松地开发游戏

通过Visual Assist的定制功能和对虚幻引擎4和5的支持,超越Visual Studio的限制。即使在大型游戏项目中,也可以体验上下文感知的建议、快速的性能和最少的加载时间。

试用Visual Assist的全部特性 30天。如果您购买,则无需重新安装或重新配置。





对于大多数U*Macros,类型说明符快速且切换到文档的次数较少。如果您修改引擎或添加新的说明符,Visual Assist将检测并添加这些说明符的建议。


Visual Assist读取U*Macro说明符,并且我们已使用它让我们的功能更智能。Goto、Goto Related、Find References、Rename和Change Signature都已扩展为支持隐式方法。


Visual Studio默认解析器的一个局限性是它在通常与游戏开发相关的大型解决方案中举步维艰。使用Visual Assist,您可以在没有所有错误的红色波形的情况下进行编码,并为其他任务节省内存。


虚幻引擎C++的文档通常在代码本身中。Visual Assist理解Unreal的扩展代码语言,因此它将显示基类和U*Macro说明符的注释和对话框。

Visual Assist功能

Visual Assist具有许多通用C++功能,这些功能对游戏开发也很有用。

打开并搜索文件 (Shift + Alt + O)



查找符号 (Shift + Alt + S)

通过高级过滤和排序,轻松地对数千个符号进行排序:从变量、类、结构或解决方案中进行排序。从该对话框中,您可以复制符号、跳转到符号,甚至可以找到对符号的所有引用。 了解更多信息


列出文件中的方法 (Alt+M)

从其中的类和方法的简单下拉列表中导航当前文件。使用子字符串筛选列表。 了解更多信息


实施虚拟方法 (Shift + Alt + Q)

在C++或C#中快速生成接口方法或基类虚拟方法的方法存根。此快捷方式打开“快速操作和重构”菜单,该菜单根据插入符号的位置或突出显示的内容提供了许多上下文感知选项。 了解更多信息


打开相应的文件 (Alt + O)




"If I lose my hands I could type with my mouth. Take my VA and I'm done."

It doesn't write the code for me, but it provides the tools for me to write it faster and better. I'm getting to really like the VA Code Inspection and the Extract Method really helps.


"Visual Assist is absolutely essential."

Visual Assist is absolutely needed for professional programming in Visual Studio… The time saved through the use of these very basic things is quite incalculable to the point where there's just no reason for anyone to ever use Visual Studio without Visual Assist.


"Great software to code fast!"

I think VA does its core job best! Refactoring of code and which helps me tremendously with my projects. I can code faster and deliver faster. I think I am so addicted to the software that I cannot do without it even one day! And thats true!


"Visual Assist is an absolute essential when it comes to working with large code bases."

Visual Assist drastically improves upon the built-in Intellisense system provided in Visual Studio. When using Visual Assist, I find that I spend much less time combing through Unreal Engine code as well as my own. The 'Search for Symbol' feature also allows filtering out engine code in order to quickly find symbols within my own code.


"Good performance on large projects, handy for everyday workflow."

The most performant solution among several alternatives I've tried on a large project.


"A real assistant."

Fewer errors, less googling, and less confusion. It provides what I expect from a modern IntelliSense.


"If I lose my hands I could type with my mouth. Take my VA and I'm done."

It doesn't write the code for me, but it provides the tools for me to write it faster and better. I'm getting to really like the VA Code Inspection and the Extract Method really helps.


"Visual Assist is absolutely essential."

Visual Assist is absolutely needed for professional programming in Visual Studio… The time saved through the use of these very basic things is quite incalculable to the point where there's just no reason for anyone to ever use Visual Studio without Visual Assist.


"Great software to code fast!"

I think VA does its core job best! Refactoring of code and which helps me tremendously with my projects. I can code faster and deliver faster. I think I am so addicted to the software that I cannot do without it even one day! And thats true!


"Visual Assist is an absolute essential when it comes to working with large code bases."

Visual Assist drastically improves upon the built-in Intellisense system provided in Visual Studio. When using Visual Assist, I find that I spend much less time combing through Unreal Engine code as well as my own. The 'Search for Symbol' feature also allows filtering out engine code in order to quickly find symbols within my own code.


"Good performance on large projects, handy for everyday workflow."

The most performant solution among several alternatives I've tried on a large project.


"A real assistant."

Fewer errors, less googling, and less confusion. It provides what I expect from a modern IntelliSense.


Great stuff happens all the time.

Visual Assist始终有一系列对C++和虚幻引擎开发人员有价值的新功能。