
Correct Automatically

Watch Visual Assist correct mistakes as you make them, especially errors in symbol case and pointer notation. Type entirely in lower case, and watch Visual Assist correct the case of all of your symbols. Save the shift key for your definitions.

Convert dot to ->

Type dot where you need pointer notation, and get pointer notation.

In C/C++, type a dot after a pointer variable and see the dot convert to -> immediately.

Type dot where you need pointer notation, and get pointer notation

Highlight Files in Output Window

Add standout after a build to the files in your solution that have errors, making it easier to find what you are responsible for resolving.

Add standout after a build to the files in your solution

Highlight Matching {} and ()

Add emphasis to matching tokens.

Display in bold, and with offset color, the innermost set of matching braces or parentheses.

Add emphasis to matching tokens

Highlight Mismatching {} and ()

Call attention to mismatching tokens.

Display in bold, and with offset color, braces and parentheses that fail to match.

Call attention to mismatching tokens

Repair Case

Type entirely in lowercase.

Type rapidly in virtually all lowercase, or a mix of upper and lowercase—whatever you remember of symbol names. Visual Assist repairs the case of all symbols valid in the current context. Type only definitions and declarations in camelCase.

Type entirely in lowercase

Underline Spelling Errors

Check spelling in strings and comments.

Recognize and repair misspelled words in comments and strings, as you type, or in batch mode. Misspelled words appear with familiar squiggles. Browse code without the distraction of squiggles, since squiggles appear only in modified files.

Check spelling in strings and comments

Accept suggested spellings from Visual Assist.

Accept corrected spellings from Visual Assist

Visual Assist installs with a U.S. English (en_US) dictionary, and dictionaries for other languages can be downloaded and installed.

Teach Visual Assist to recognize additional words

Underline Unknown Symbols

If you use Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 or earlier, or are dissatisfied with the accuracy of underlines from the IDE, let Visual Assist underline symbols that are unknown or used out of context. Underlining begins only when you modify a file, so you browse code without the distraction of squiggles.

let Visual Assist underline symbols that are unknown or used out of context