Adjust the multitude of features in Visual Assist to suit your programming environment and habits. Find your favorite features, and make them hum for maximum productivity.
Quickly access all relevant features of Visual Assist.
Use menus throughout Visual Assist to conveniently access context-specific content. Bind a shortcut to the VA context menu that contains all features available for the current file, symbol, or position in the editor.

Custom File Extensions
Get assistance where it makes sense.
Tell Visual Assist to become active in files not part of a project or solution, and in files with non-standard extensions. Make Visual Assist parse files without extensions as header files, consider files with specific extensions as header files or source, and ignore files with a separate set of extensions.

Keyboard Shortcuts
Use default shortcuts for the most commonly used commands.
Learn the shortcuts assigned during installation Visual Assist, evaluate recommended shortcuts, and assign shortcuts for the remainder of your favorites. View shortcuts and their meanings in custom dialogs.

Bind modified buttons and wheel for fast access.
Assign any of several commands that apply to the current symbol to modified mouse buttons, and override the default zoom behavior of the modified mouse wheel.

Multiple Platforms
Configure Visual Assist to support multiple platforms.
Specify a target platform, and Visual Assist finds and displays definitions specific to the platform. Switch platforms and Visual Assist switches definitions.

Parse Concurrency
Limit resources dedicated to parsing.
Limit the number of CPUs that Visual Assist uses for parsing of source files, or confine parsing to a single thread. Both restrictions free resources for non-Visual Assist tasks.

Non-Microsoft Build Processes
Use Visual Assist in a Microsoft IDE that is used only for editing, not building.
Tell Visual Assist where to find header files, including those for system and 3rd-party libraries, since they are not specified in IDE settings.

Options Dialog
Enable the features in Visual Assist most relevant to you.
Configure Visual Assist to suit your programming environment and habits. Enable and tweak the features in Visual Assist that are most valuable to you, and disable ones that fail to improve your productivity. The options dialog is comprehensive yet minimal.
Browse through the options dialog after you install Visual Assist. Tab or hover within the dialog to see explanations of the settings.